10/3/23 Weekly Announcements

Greetings Curlers!

We hope everyone is getting their cobwebs dusted off and back into the slide of curling!
Here's this week's announcements:

1. Corporate Events - We have 2 events tomorrow (there is a day time and a night time) - please take a look on the SignUpGenius to see where you can help! As a reminder - Corporate Event support gets $50!

2. Grits and Granite -  We have 4 openings for teams! If you're thinking about making a team, now is the time to do it and register! There is also a SignUpGenius for help with Grits (click here). Grits is October 19 - 22.

3. Bar Certification - If we don't have your certificate on file, please get that over to Amber Fox ([email protected]) ASAP. You may not be behind the bar for any reason without it. There was a separate email with people who have theirs on file. If you're not sure - just retake it here - Bar Training - it takes 5 minutes!

Good curling,

Neil (President), Julie (President-elect) and the CCA Board