Bobby Faircloth – Prime Rib Fundraising Dinner
SUPPORT BOBBY FAIRCLOTH'S OLYMPIC JOURNEY! September 15th at 7pm Charlotte Curling Association is hosting a Prime Rib Dinner in support of Bobby Faircloth's Olympic journey. Come join us for a night of great food, fun games! Tickets are $30 for this awesome prime rib dinner! Guests of Honor are Bobby Faircloth and Team Peterson! Click…
Private Lessons with Team Peterson
Have you ever dreamed of having a private curling lesson with an Olympian? Now is your chance to signup for private lessons with Team Peterson! Lessons will be held September…
Team Peterson Clinic – Front End Skills
Join Tabitha Peterson, Cory Thiesse, Becca Hamilton, and Tara Peterson on the ice for an experience you or your team won't soon forget! Clinic Topic - Front End Skills and…
Team Peterson Clinic – Strength & Conditioning – Warm Room
Charlotte Curling 6525 Old Statesville Rd, Charlotte, NC, United StatesJOIN TABITHA PETERSON, CORY THIESSE, BECCA HAMILTON, AND TARA PETERSON ON THE ICE FOR AN EXPERIENCE YOU OR YOUR TEAM WON’T SOON FORGET! Clinic Topic – Strength and Conditioning including: Develop your personal fitness in ways that can help on the ice by learning curling-specific exercises and strength training in this conditioning session. Click…
Private Lessons with Team Peterson
Have you ever dreamed of having a private curling lesson with an Olympian? Now is your chance to signup for private lessons with Team Peterson! Lessons will be held September 14th - 17th 2023. Lessons are $200 per hour with a max of 4 people per lesson. All money raised will support Team Peterson's dream…
Team Peterson Clinic – Skip/Vice 101- Warm Room
Charlotte Curling 6525 Old Statesville Rd, Charlotte, NC, United StatesJOIN TABITHA PETERSON, CORY THIESSE, BECCA HAMILTON, AND TARA PETERSON ON THE ICE FOR AN EXPERIENCE YOU WON’T SOON FORGET! Clinic Topic – Skip/Vice 101 For those who are relatively new to the skip role or considering being a skip tips on the following topics Goals with hammer, without hammer – basic strategy Defensive game…
Team Peterson Clinic – Skip/Vice 201
Charlotte Curling 6525 Old Statesville Rd, Charlotte, NC, United StatesJOIN TABITHA PETERSON, CORY THIESSE, BECCA HAMILTON, AND TARA PETERSON ON THE ICE FOR AN EXPERIENCE YOU WON’T SOON FORGET! Clinic Topic – Skip/Vice 201 For those who are relatively new to the skip role or considering being a skip tips on the following topics: Discuss how to build your team mates up, even when…
Team Peterson Clinic – Juniors
Charlotte Curling 6525 Old Statesville Rd, Charlotte, NC, United StatesJOIN TABITHA PETERSON, CORY THIESSE, BECCA HAMILTON, AND TARA PETERSON ON THE ICE FOR AN EXPERIENCE YOU OR YOUR JUNIOR WON’T SOON FORGET! Clinic Topic – Juniors Skills Click Here to Sign-up
Private Lessons with Team Peterson
Have you ever dreamed of having a private curling lesson with an Olympian? Now is your chance to signup for private lessons with Team Peterson! Lessons will be held September 14th - 17th 2023. Lessons are $200 per hour with a max of 4 people per lesson. All money raised will support Team Peterson's dream…
Team Peterson Clinic – Skip/Vice 101- Warm Room
Charlotte Curling 6525 Old Statesville Rd, Charlotte, NC, United StatesJOIN TABITHA PETERSON, CORY THIESSE, BECCA HAMILTON, AND TARA PETERSON ON THE ICE FOR AN EXPERIENCE YOU WON’T SOON FORGET! Clinic Topic – Skip/Vice 101 For those who are relatively new to the skip role or considering being a skip tips on the following topics Goals with hammer, without hammer – basic strategy Defensive game…