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Have you been curling a couple of seasons and been nervous to help with a learn to curl or cocktails and curling because “How can I know more than the participants?”

Well… These clinics are for… YOU!

Matthew Scheiner and our own Amanda Smith are going to be leading official USA Level 1 and 2 instructor clinics on March 2nd (Level 1) and 3rd (Level 2). All at your home club.
These are great clinics for everyone and our popular Cocktails and Curling model came right from this clinic two years ago!
Matthew is an accomplished curler, but is passionate about creating great teachers of the game. You will become a better curler because of the knowledge you will gain in this weekend!
If you have the time, please consider registering here for the level 2 clinic:

This is open to all Charlotte Curling Members!

USA Curling – Level 2 Instructor Clinic