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We will be holding a “Welcome Back to Curling” weekend event on Sept 13-15. Beginning on Friday, Sept 13 evening, continuing through Saturday and ending in the afternoon of Sunday Sept 15, we will be holding a 1v1 spiel.
What is 1 1v1 spiel?
The 1v1 is a great way to meet curlers from other nights, welcome new members to the club and get into league shape by throwing a bunch of rocks! We want to invite the all Charlotte Curling Members to a bonspiel environment where they can compete on a level playing field with wheelers, veteran and rookie curlers.
You are your team.  The cost is $10 and all of the proceeds from 1v1 registration will be awarded back to participants, based on their final standings in the bonspiel. Games are 4 ends with a 25 minute time limit. Each curler will have 4 rocks per end. There is no sweeping or take outs. The number of guaranteed games will be determined by the number of curlers that sign up.
As well, a dinner in support of the Puerto Rico Curling Federation, will be held on Saturday night. We have 2 Charlotte Curlers on the Puerto Rican team that will be competing in Canada later this year. Event information for the dinner can be found here.
Help spread the word to your fellow curlers, sign up for the weekend events when you register for leagues and good curling to all!

This is a member only Bonspiel, please log in.

1v1 Internal Bonspiel